
Wednesday 7 October 2015


 On The New Single, He Shared His Experience. 

The past twelve months have been the hardest year
of my life. Many nights were spent wondering if my
life still had value and if life was worth living. For
the first time in my life I didn’t even have the
strength to pray for myself. I would try to pray and
when it did it would only remind me of the pain I
felt. To cope with the pain I would take different
medications to help me sleep and hope the storm
would pass. When I would wake up the pain would
still be in my heart, the clouds didn’t move, and the
light at the end of the tunnel seemed so far away.

However when I couldn’t pray for myself, I’m so
grateful there was someone else praying for me
and holding me up. I could feel those prayers as
people began to encourage me. It was like new life
was breathed into my body and spirit. God began to
show that this time it wasn’t so much the enemy, it
was the INNER ME. I couldn’t blame anything or
anyone else. I needed to take some time and work
on me. I had to realize that I wasn’t being strong by
avoiding my issues but I found strength in
acknowledging my imperfections so that I could be
healed and then allow my story to help others.
I understood the grace and mercy of GOD but I
didn’t just want forgiveness, I wanted to be healed,
I wanted to be better. I began to get the help that I
needed to become a better person from the inside
out. This process wasn’t easy but it was so
necessary. God is still completing the good work on
the inside of me, but I realize it’s more than just
asking. I had to be intentional in making sure that I
was doing my part.

I had to do the work to become a better person. I
had to stop running from the part of me that I didn’t
like and deal with it head on. God couldn’t change
what I was afraid to confront. When I couldn’t find
the words and strength to pray, I thank GOD
someone else was praying for me. The prayers of
the righteous for me and my family really did save
my life. 

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