
Monday 4 November 2013

Your Personal Healing Paradigm Shift

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines the word paradigm as being, “example, pattern; especially : an outstandingly clear or typical example or archetype.” Thomas Kuhn coined the term “paradigm shift” in 1962 in his book, “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” to mean a change in the basic assumptions, or paradigms, within a dominant ruling theory of science. On a personal level, a paradigm shift is a change within or an change from within your perception of the world or Self that is a break from an old way of thinking or being. When you experience a paradigm shift you are breaking away from old patterns, thoughts, behaviors, etc. But what comes after that? Sure, it is fantastic to know what you don’t want but it’s even more important to visualize, imagine, or simply think about what you do want or how you will be once you break through. Often people have an awareness on a conscious level that they are tired of their old behaviors; that their old habits and patterns of being in the world are no longer useful and even causing them pain. They want to break out of these old assumptions but they don’t have a clear picture of what or even who they are without these old behaviors. And, quite often, on a subconscious level all they know is the pain pattern (old behavior); they have no reference for what life is like without their old patterns and beliefs.

Whether it is dis-ease, anxiety, low Self-worth, or even chronic pain. We have the ability to create our personal paradigm shift. We have a level of consciousness, even a functioning place in our brains, that lets us envision a new way of being. When we can’t seem to do this on our own that’s when a guide of some sort becomes extremely important. Whether it is a community of friends, a spiritual leader, or a therapist, the goal in most counseling situations is to create that shift. For my clients I often “hold the space” for their health, abundance, wellness, etc. When they cannot “see/taste/smell/sense” the change and how they want to be in the world I do this for them. I hold space for their future development and treat them as if they are already healed thus giving them a sense of knowing what it is like to be their future self. When they are caught in the drama of their story it’s important to stop telling your old pain filled story and start telling a new story from the perspective of six months from now; from their future. When you can tell a new story from your future, from a time when all the current pain/frustration you are feeling has already been healed then these thoughts and feelings created in the present moment act like a beacon guiding your body, mind, and even cells towards the healing you are desiring. It is more then just thinking positive thoughts. This rapid healing process involves positive thoughts, true feelings based upon those thoughts and the experiences you create from having them, and focusing on the gratitude of having already been healed.

So, are you ready to start telling a new story? Tell a story to your immune system about how thankful you are for the amazing healing that has happened. Tell the story to your Mind of your abundance and how fantastic it is that you learned the lesson of lack that life needed you to experience and how upon learning to value yourself you were valued by others and financially rewarded for this change. Tell the story of sobriety to your heart about the deep forgiveness that you experienced once you forgave yourself and those who abused you. Tap into the strength that you discovered deep within yourself that you now share with others as an example of learning to love yourself.

Say out loud and claim for yourself, “I am whole! I am healed! I am grateful for the opportunities I had to release my pains (insert your personal gratitude here) for these experiences taught me so much. I am now a better person because of them and it’s awesome to look back and see how much I’ve healed. I appreciate my past and I look forward to an ever expanding future of loving abundance. All this and more…and so it is!”

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